Tuesday 2 August 2011

August 2011

Hi folks,
Just to let you know that the online shop here is closing between 3rd - 25th August (as we are taking a well deserved summer break this year!) Also if you see the unregistered rapid cart message this is a glitch with the mac os and we are trying to get it sorted asap!

Rachel's updates:
Rachel has posted new blog on her personal blog page http://www.rachel-t-b.blogspot.com/
New Live Video of Brilliant Blue from gig at St Donats Arts Centre on the Hushland youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/mrhushland#p/a/u/0/Xkc5BDRLhjo
Spiral Earth Website have run a feature on Rachel's new exciting project collaboration with Gillian Stevens called Counting the waves. We will be posting further news on this in september follow the to read article http://www.spiralearth.co.uk/news/story.asp?nid=5526

Sir Silence... a full update on Sir Silence's new writing/ audio and film project to follow in the Autumn!


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